Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
You'll make it through the rain
Current mood: smelly&tired
omg Rob is so hot!!
anyway, just got back from dance not too long ago.
im so tired&sticky&smelly.
anyway, gonna be busy with dance stuff this week.
im beginning to enjoy his/ss lessons alrdy.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Moon!
omg i just saw a bit of 'New Moon' its damn nice&exciting!!
whee so cant wait to watch it!!!!!!!
whee so cant wait to watch it!!!!!!!
Gravity cant forget, to pull me back to my ground again
Current music:Goodbye-miley cyrus
Current mood: bloated
yay i finally ate my hotcakes :D
so full from the hotcakes now .
anyway, had Rendition yesterday in church, its super cool&nice&funny.
if you guys wanna come for next week's Rendition, you can ask me :)
i just realised that i have spent 7months doing nothing.
yesterday was a real wake up call for me.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
You wont be alone

Current music:The driveway-miley cyrus
Current mood: tired
had fnn practical today.
was kinda horrible.
lack of time+i dont know how to do the dish at all.
so anyway, made it on time &we had physics test.
we thought we could skip it cause we were late from fnn but ahh we couldnt.
ate lunch at lot than met for caregroup.
'the driveway' was in my head the whole day!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
How did it end up like this?
Current music:She wolf-shakira/turn right-jobros
Current mood: bored
so bored today ):
suppose to go for a picnic with adelene,pohtoi&wenli[no order] but mum dont let.
ahh she still thinks im that tiny girl ;/
anyway, im so bored now.
was watching the city just now.
i prefer watching the city to the hills cause i wont have to see LC. [just saying]
Friday, July 17, 2009
there's nothing between you&your dreams
Current music: sweet dreams-beyonce
Current mood: tired/happy

felt like crying )':
anyway, im so tired now.
dad says we're going to see teh da vinci code thingy tomorrow!
not confirmed though, cause dad's ankle is still injured.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Current music: two worlds collide-demi lovato
Current mood: feeling fresh from the bathroom :)
school, was as per normal today.
mr zur didnt come today, so we had 2 free periods :)
anyway, went to the gym to sort of work out with stef,adelene, dolly [no order]
we only did the thread-mill[sp?], the cycling thingy&some arms thingy. and we left.
ate at ut later than home.
im just posting cause we went to the gym :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
&your faith walks on broken glasses
Current music:perfect-simple plan
Current mood: sad,hurt,disappointed with myself
i dont understand whats with me.
seriously, i feel like stabbing myself[seriously]
after what i just read, i feel so guilty&disappointed.
im so sorry, you guys. [you should know who you are]
anyway, whatevs.
anyway, there's fnn pract on wed &i havent bought the ingredients.
p.s. later there's p.s. i love you on stars movies!!!!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
&i shouldn't be there at the back of your mind
Current music: 21 guns-green day
Current mood: bloated&feeling fat ):
quick update,
went to AMK ITE yesterday&today.
it was kinda fun cause we were taking pictures like mad.
the pictures are with stef&she havent send me so yea.
anyway, i wanna go to a poly :)
but the ite have hairstyling course so.. i dont know ;/
anyway, [im gonna sound like a pig, but] you know their food is actually damn cheap&kinda good?
i wish our school gave that much food for that cheap price.
i realised that the older we get, the food in our school will get cheaper&a bigger portion.
anyway, i shouldnt be crapping bout food cause im so damn bloated from ljs ;/
went to the library&guess what?
adelene found a so-called jobros bookmark!!! :D
wheeeeeee, anyway, i so hate the stupid H1N1 virus thingy.
so sucky ):
Quote of the day:
We wanted him(MJ) to be with us, but God wanted him more.
-Stevie Wonder
omg i watched the finaly goodbye of MJ yesterday &i really felt like crying, i dont deny that im so afraid of him but, its sad to kinda see him die.
no one likes someone elses to die.
like i have feelings so i feel for MJ's family kimda thing.
p.s. i still cant bring myself to like MJ.
im trying very hard though, E!news^the daily 10 always show him so i've got no choice but to tolerate it.
not saying that he's a beast, im learning to accept everyone's changes.
aww i sound so ..... angelic 0:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
a time to play, a time to rest.
Current music: crazier- taylor swift
Current mood: relaxed
yay, today is finally a holiday after a horrible&tired week of school.
ditched all appointments to relax at home. heh sorry :X
totally forgot to reply adelene whether i was going or not ;/ sorry
anyway, today is so fun[in a boring way] i slept till i was happy, watched tv&laze around :D
decided to do some exercises at home cause i feel like im becoming a pig cause we are pratically eating macs all the time.
too lazy to go out so we deliver.
anyway, on a very random note, i just poured alot of water into a dispenser which is beside me now so i dont have to walk to the kitchen&pour water into my cup than go back.
banana gave me a what-the-pong-are-you-doing look.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
every rule i had you breakin'
Current music: picture to burn-taylor swift
Current mood: sticky&busy
quick update before i do my fnn.
school just reopened&i cant wait for it to end alrdy ;/
luckily mon is a holiday :D
anyway, been busy with many stuff.
mdm toh is our co-form -.-
so loser la, she respects no one&naturally, no one respects her back.
yay good thing this week no cca, so tiring alrd,y wake up so early at 6!
anyway, off to do my fnn cause [ms] joycelyn tay confiscated my ez link card ;/
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