Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 6: Five things you can’t live without
2. Me-time alone.
3. My family and friends.
4. My iTouch
My mum once took it away from me, i had a horrible time surviving.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 5: Six songs that you’re addicted to
2. A Little Bit.
3. Vanilla Twilight- Owl City
4. Back to December- Taylor Swift
5. A Little Bit
6. A Little Bit.
(Cant get it out of my head now)
But you dont know me, you dont even care.

Gina's sexy face ;)

I got back home and slept for the next 18hours. But even up till now I feel like I have lack of sleep due to camp hehe.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Day 4: Seven fears/phobias
2. Any living thing besides humans e.g. : Dogs, dogs, dogs.
3. Heights
4. Being sick
5. Not knowing what to do in my life
6. Uncertainty
7. Being lost
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day 3: Eight things that annoy you
2. Cold responses to me when I did nothing wrong
3. Being accused of something I didn't do
4. People irritating and annoying me when I'm not in my best mood
5. People who think they know it all
6. Insects
7. My insecurities
8. When my internet gets cuts off or when the page loads very slow
Monday, November 22, 2010
Day 2: Nine things you do everyday
2. Sleep/stone
3. use Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter
4. Dance
5. Watch tv
6. Talk. alot.
7. Daydream
8. Overthink :/
9. Talk to God hehe
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Spent with all my dearies and loved ones makes me happy. :)
I've been busy with dance practices, church stuff and family stuff.
I'm really happy for everything that has happened in my life!
Its like all my efforts and hard work has finally paid off! I'm enjoying the icing off my cake now!
Anyway, short post bout the people whom i treasure alot in my life now!
Pls note they are in no order!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 1: Ten random facts about yourself
2. I'm a christian.
3. I like to have a fit body.
4. I love to shop and wear nice clothes.
5. I love my family and my friends. alot.
6. I'm a left hander.
7. Im not exactly very tall.
8. I like to eat beef~~~~
9. I enjoy eating.
10. I seriously think i have an anger problem.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day 1: Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2: Nine things you do everyday
Day 3: Eight things that annoy you
Day 4: Seven fears/phobias
Day 5: Six songs that you’re addicted to
Day 6: Five things you can’t live without
Day 7: Four memories you won’t forget
Day 8: Three words you can’t go a day without using
Day 9: Two things you wish you could do
Day 10: One person you can trust
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Once upon a time I was falling in love, abd now I'm only falling apart
My major papers are over, my holiday has began. Camp is coming!!
Now that I have nothing to do at home at all, I start to think a lot! I'm really happy most of the time but you know when you just start to think-I become the most depressed girl on earth. Like I already decided and made plans for so many stuff, and I start to over think and than I start to hesitate and worry whether my choice was right. Hmm I hate this feeling :(
but really thank God for still helping me overcome all these and yea I try my best not to overthink now.
So anyway my purpose of blogging today was because CAMP IS COMING!!!!
I am really looking forward for camp everything!!
Looking forward to shopping trips with adelene&doris and the vwa girls!! Wheee not forgetting my beloved pokkies and kalipp!!
so anyway off to watch my beloved Joshua!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Way back into love
I spent my September holidays having my N level exams and spent almost every single day with them:

How am i suppose to sum this up? hmmmm..
Last Thursday,
We went for Metamorphosis which was AWESOME!!!!
I had so much fun laughing and playing and laughing hahahah!
hehe our YOG hahhahaha.
Metamorphosis games and extended praise and worship was superb and it left me feeling refreshed and renewed hahaha.
Last Friday,
We had our VwestC2 outing @ ECP which was so fun!
we cycled and i managed to learn how to cycle! whee

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
In order to achieve greater things in the future, you have to sacrifice what you want to do now.
I'm trying to achieve greater things
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's been awhile

Saturday, August 14, 2010
So sick of wishing you were still here
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Leave unsaid, unspoken
it spells out ydance btw.
anyway, had rehearsal again yesterday which was great because i spent my afternoon studying with ness @ bpp before heading to orchard to go to borders than for dance.
had an awesome Wednesday today because school is so short. went to queensway with adelene to check the pricing of the shirt plus printing fee etc. and we had our meatballs @ Ikea. yumz.
anyway, another 2 short months till the end of n levels! cant wait!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I know a place where the grass is really greener
Happy birthday Qiuxuan!
anway, im gonna be even busier this week cause i have ess practs every single day till 10plus. its gonna be so exciting! doing my testimonial now which is so difficult to write and im so distracted by the things around me hahah. anyway, on a different note, there,s like a math test every monday so im literally stuffing all the information in my head the night before. hahahah
Monday, July 19, 2010
For us is too late, and the credits start to roll
Friday, July 16, 2010
Never would have said forever, if i knew it wouldn't last
Photos during Dewen's farewell
Friday, July 9, 2010
The falling of the raining is deafening
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dance dance, we're fallin' apart to half time
I am going to dance.
I will dance.
I miss dancing.
Monday, July 5, 2010

hahahah, i was just telling ness about it last night while playing Monopoly Deal till late @ night.
anyway, this is why i love Mulan so much:

not techically, but, in the picture it is!
hahaha, i love Zhang Zi Yi, she's seriously an asian goddess.
hehehehe so pretttttyyyyyyyy~
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
California Gurls we're unforgettable
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The final blow hits you

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Love love love love love.
Finally after 2-3 months of hesitation and laziness, i finally decided to post about the people that i love. If you guys feels that i should have put up your picture but didn't, pls pls pls tell me and i also apologise if i forgot to put up your picture because I'm using a new comp, and the photos are all on my thumb drive which is pretty messed up so i might have lost your photo. So, some pictures might be super old and some might be super ugly so pls don't mind them. By the way, pls take note that the pictures are in no order because the pictures came from different albums so i just took which ever that i saw first. SO, let's get started.
p.s. i cant wait for eclipse!

[sorry adelene!]