Current music: none, im too happy
Current mood: over the moon/ elated/ very sad/ very happy/ all the emotions in the world.
YAY! we got a gold.
when zoe told me the news yesterday i was practically screaming to her on the phone.
it was really unexpected cause we were still in a bad shape before the actual performance.
anyway, im really happy.
than all the sec3s were like 'eh when ms murduati say dance must stand up must scream kay!'
super happy!!!!
anyway, hmm im very happy, so is mdm ong.
you can totally tell by her face!
smiling non stop!
i bet mdm zhao is over the moon la!
anyway, i would like to thank god for answering my prayers, xulaoshi for teacher us,
blahblahblah, all the teachers who helped out + all those who wished us luck.
thanks :D
anyway, today went to smallxuan's house.
so lame.
we on hsm to watch but than watch halfway than we started playing all the way.
only gonna post some pictures.
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