Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Made to blow

Current music: Yesterday- Leona Lewis
Current mood: thoughtful
everybody's going on and on about how mature they are but in actual fact, we're all immature freaks.
everyone goes on about how lame they were in sec1 but have they even changed?
we're still the person we were last time.
stop judging people for something they are not or did not do.
many people's saying stuff about friendship, including me, and it hurts and sucks to be the victim of the stuff that people say.
we all know how that feels like so, we should really stop.
aww, i sound so WOW.
haha, i can be so deep. [haha!]
anyway, it has been raining for the longest time in the universe so Loch Ness Monster& I did not buy lunch.
so now i guess she's starving.
if she see's my blog or if that Banan see's my blog i'm dead.
p.s. i purposely typed 'Banan' . its not a typo.
p.s.s. im still not done with my fnn!

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