Current music: baby- justin bieber ft ______
Current mood: bored
Staying @ home eating fro-grapes and hearing the same song over&over and having my antibiotics stuck @ my throat.
i am literally dying.
i hate having nothing on for me to do.
everyone's @ camp while im home doing nothing.
i just realised being home is so damn boring.
anyway, im finishing up my fro-grapes & i havent eaten my lunch so.. anyway, the past week was horribly bored.
stayed @ home for 2 days cause of my infection, than went back to school on wed&had musical pract. thursday was pretty awesome because its a carefree day~
didnt do much on fri except falling asleep while everyone was having dance because i could only watch them dance cause of my stupid infection. went for the musical dance pract which i wasnt involved in than learnt the steps for dance works than flew home to get changed than left o qiuxuan's house for a sleepover.
had so much fun eating+talking+falling in&out of sleep+having our movie marathon_deciding to leave qiuxuan's house @ 4 so we can eat mac's breakfast but we all slept before 4+playing bowling on qiuxuan's tv because we were so damn bored+there was no shows+if we watched a movie, everyone would fall asleep.
decided to wake up @ 6 so that i could have breakfast with joan&kayal but i was stoning like mad so i was extremely late.
reached school @ 10 for musical pract which was so damn tiring&boring.
flew to lot to meet with the girls&boys than went to spore flyer.
had so much fun laughing like shit and basically entertaining ourselves.
flew back to cityhall to meet mum for my facial than met dad for dinner.
on sunday, met dad to get his BB with banan. met mum afterwards than bought my contacts&celebrated ness's good results for her A levels @ crystal jade.
hahaah it was damn funny!
so anyway, im gonna rot @ home for the next 3 days.
sobs ):
btw, did i mention that rob is so so so cute in the picture above?
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