Current mood: sad
had perf yesterday.
it is well, our last performance ever.
i was telling the group about it and peter was like 'eugenia its not your last dance' and i was like 'yes it is, we're all stepping down today' the conversation went on, and he wanted us[zoe,yingyi,me] to stay on till next year.
i've thought long and hard about my future.
there are so many barriers in my way.
i have a sudden uncertainty about my future.
my future was decided weeks ago, i knew what i wanted.
but now there are so many barriers in my way the only way i can make it through is to let go, and let God.
all i need is time, a moment that is mine.
anyway, my week was a rather slow, sad, lifeless week.
i am never truly happy.
when will i ever be?
on a [trying] happier note,
dolly's birthday just passed.
we had an awesome celebration for her.
we really tricked her into believing what we had planned.
whee such an innocent girl.

i was like super sleepy throughout the whole day.
my mind became blank after recess and i could not stop sleeping.
even the pinching method, jumping up and down method, standing up and down method didnt work anymore.
hahah so anyway, went for dance with yingyi after school.
had awards day performance and also collected an award on behalf of mnd.
hahah after collecting the award, i stuffed my dinner down my throat and we started playing iceman.
such a fun and last experience.
hahahah had performance afterwards which was well, i'd rate it 8.5/10
hheheeh my 2.5 is well, my emotional barriers which i sorta manage to conquer.
after perf, everyone started breaking down etc.
went to ut with serene,joey and joan for like a sorta h2ht and eating.
hahahah so fun.
im going to be super negative and write this down:
it is the last h2ht we will ever have.
we were talking about our last moments etc, and joey was like 'eugenia, this is the last time i will look at you and smile' sigh.
the most vivid memory i have of us smiling was during the chingay parade.
it was truly a moment to remember.
i remember me looking @ joey and both of us will start smiling and laughing. hahaha
truly happy memories that will last forever..
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